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The Pit Viper brand's popularity has grown in recent years. What started as a two-person operation with only $10,000 in sales has now grown into a 70-person operation with a 20,000 square foot warehouse. The brand has also managed to secure major athlete endorsements. In 2019, they partnered with freestyle ski legend Tanner Hall, NASCAR star Brehanna Daniels, and NFL superstar Rob Gronkowski.

Another great feature of Pit Viper sunglasses is their durability. The lenses are made of tough material and won't easily scratch or fade. This means that you can wear these sunglasses in almost any situation without worrying about the lenses damaging your contacts. The lenses will last for a long time, so they're a good investment.

twisted tea Pit Vipers

The Twisted Tea Pit Vipers sunglasses are retro-styled and feature polarized lenses to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. The sunglasses were previously known as LSB Tug It, but they have since changed their name to Pit Viper. They're made from real brewed tea for a great retro look and taste.
